Sunday, June 30, 2013

Why such an anathema for Eye to eye- Taher Shah

Spectrum ,human eyes of Taher shah
Now a day’s musical scene is abuzz with the refreshing launch of Taher Shah’s magical, groovy song EYE TO EYE. It’s based on the same genre of broken English, catchy lyrics to get the attention of the world. However like always, people in Pakistan are ridiculing him, calling him names instead of appreciating the art of the brilliant guy. How can we be so mean and calcified to an innocent artist like him, I just fail to comprehend? Don’t u realize, if we will stop appreciating his art, he might get dejected enough to not to come up with any other creative
endeavor like this.

Apart from the well articulated lovely song, the music video is also shot creatively with a special focus on his spectrum- special eyes. The video shows a facsimile of him in white and black, both appreciating their eyes and doing EYE TO EYE. The theme is about how one can defeat the evil forces in black with kilassic human eyes. This will perhaps be the first step towards the modern day war with, no touching just eye to eye. Thereby, Pakistan army and government should not waste a single minute to challenge to the burly Taliban’s to do EYE TO EYE, if they have the guts?

I suppose, if the song would have been uploaded from some international forum. People of Pakistan would have been crazy after it. C’mon, what is so special in Gangnum style or Kolaveri di, that EYE to EYE lacks? Taher Shah, single handedly produced, directed, sang, penned the song. This should be enough to stop the fusillade of vituperation,even he looks zillion times dashing unlike dirty dhanush. I bet with his captivating eyes, gorgeous long hair and his eclectic sense of dressing, he has already won the hearts of million of girls, who are too shy to admit having a crush on him

Taher claims the song to be a romantic song of the century. I claim it the romantic song of the millennia due to its soul stirring appeal amongst the genuine music lovers. It will definitely motivate and incite the young and  budding artists to come up on the stage and showcase their talent to the entire world.

On a final note, I would like to salute SIR TAHER SHAH, for his valuable contribution in the romantic genre of pop music, ridding us of the boring, banal just nasal likes of sheesha rafi and hoe diccajee.  

A treat for the music lovers - Eye to Eye  by Sir Taher Shah 


  1. Lol..just as I was in a dilemma over Tahir Shah's song being a genuine work or a parody, I am confused whether your article exalts him so he can do more stuff like that or is mocking

  2. Please watch the video again with Kilassic- spectrum eyes instead of simple human eyes to clear the confusion. Your thirst for good music will be quenched- Guaranteed 
