Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Nightmare on Dammam Airport

Last month I went for a recreational trip to meet my brother in KSA although being a girl the idea of recreation in KSA is just being in black robes that makes the body and mind so dumb that after removing it life seems the most refereshed

The first experience of landing to Dammam in the King Fahd International airport has made for an experience to remember and for years if ever I have to meet my brother in KSA, like the pirates i will be making the entry to KSA through other routes.

We took off from Karachi airport much excited after having our stamps of exit done in a mere 5 minutes and merrily ate the food Emirates served oblivious to the fact that what was in our fate at the King Fahd Airport otherwise i atleast could have  had deposited some of the cake piece from the food tray to my bag just like squirrels do for winter. As soon as we entered the deserted premises I took my black robe ( Abaya ) from the bag and quickly wrapped my body in it like a garbage bag, yes I felt disgusted as I looked in the mirror as my beautiful self  turned in a beast-full self .  Everybody was carrying a paper to be signed and  we have to sign that one too, I looked in my bag for a pen but could find it and then my savior my mum came out with a pen from her bag, don't know why couldn't she took out before. And then came the horrible experience of staying at the King Fahd airport that was such a pot that made us rot.

All the passengers were made to form a queue at 4PM but after 15 minutes the queue was suddenly broken and then two queues were formed, The Airport security came and checked the random passengers rudely even shouting at them and then went backed and got themselves busy in texting some of their old school friends, girl friends, ex- wives and so and so. Some yawned and looked with amazement at the passengers as if they have just landed from KRYPTON. Two of them started discussing the Saudi Version of Jim Kerry and playing * YOUR MOM IS SO FAT * jokes to kill time. Some of the gastronomist wanted to experience the food coma again so they went for a king sized burger and some coke as a snack munching on to them slowly as it is a healthy way to do so and they cant risk their life for the mere passengers ..

While all this was going one we were standing along with the other passengers cursing our fate and bearing the pain in the stiff legs, nobody was saying anything to the airport security lest they put us in jail for instigating Arab spring at the airport by the non- Arabs,,, eh? Time was ticking and it was 9 PM I finally mustered up courage and acted on the plan devised by my sister and requested to the joking security personnel in a highly animated tone citing that I’m unwell and if they just could do it first for us ? And he seemingly interested in comic movies nodded in affirmative after my emotional performance confirming my doubt that he would appreciate the other form of performing arts as well and after that ordeal we finally got our passport stamped and drew many covetous looks after such an achievement at KING FAHD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, DAMMAM.

Finally at 10.30 pm we reached Al-khobar at my brother's residence drained of strength and energy and just buried in the bed ...  Thanking God that they at least let us go tonight otherwise I was not even expecting to leave the airport even after a week.

This experience is a lesson for everybody who wants to go to KSA via Dhahran and I would advise them some of the sleeping pills to take as the entry stamps are a rare thing there. And also parents can send their kids to learn patience and anger management. The attitude shows the psyche of the Saudi Government, 7th richest country of the Islamic world thats still engrossed in the devil- may -care attitude at providing good service to the people here and is indeed the worst airport of the world 

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