The root cause of ongoing militancy in Pakistan is what?? Is it the Drone attacks, the Madressha Education, The Osama Bin Ladin phenomena or the work of the Israeli or the Indian agents? I guess these are all interconnected but finding a solution to the problem is very important, again who should find a solution and even more important question is that how will Pakistani’s be able to implement it ..
Contrary to the popular belief that all the militants are the religious school students or brain washed by the clerics .I was reading a survey report of Dr Tariq that stated that most of them are highly qualified science students but belong to the religious families.
I would like to cite an example here of one of my female friend who is fond of sending me rubbish sms of promoting Islam, previously I tolerated it and in certain hideous words tried to convey her the message that this holy ritual of sending me religious sms pisses me off but when she smsed me today that * MUSLIMS CANT BE TERRORIST AND ALL TERRORIST ARE HINDUS ,ISRAELI AND INDIAN * My doubt about her delusional state of mind confirmed the fact she is a perfect * JEANED JIHADI * who got good education from a reputable university and belong to a well – off family but due to the family being religious they attended the DARAS and the availability of the sub- standard Islamic literature corrupted her thinking .
I tried my best explaining to her that muslims are not angels and most of the terrorist are muslims due to the ongoing war with the US .The Tehreek –e Taliban is self proclaimingly fighting for Islam .Ajmal Kasav was a muslim and they might have been praying regularly in their lives even me & you looked at each other’s answer sheet in exam ,bunked classes ,played pranks despite the fact we knew that its bad and if I would say that only HINDUS , ISRAELI, INDIAN cheat than how would you react to it and to which she cited * NO BODY IS A GOOD MUSLIM EVEN YOU AND ME ARE BAD MUSLIMS * this discussion of me convincing her to let go of the hatred and think of the positive things and try not to connect everything with the religion continued and then she finally told me * I’m going to washroom * and it ended and I was
……..Did that washroom excuse made me win the debate ?
I do admit that the Israel is no innocent and so does India they are involved with killing people in Palestine and Kashmir recently I was reading an article of Robert Fisk over the incident in which Israeli soldiers opened fire on two small girl aged 8 and 6 and shot a guy named Munib just because they were holding a rally over the border and were unarmed .Every now and then you hear news about Indian forces blowing up houses of the so called Kashmiri terrorist and then there is no explanation that why did they blow the whole house if they could have had gone ahead with catching the terrorist alive why did they had to kill the small innocent kids and the weak wife and old parents .Its true that most people raise fingers for every bad thing to Muslims and overlook what is happening in these occupied states .Where is the UN human rights policy here now . Most people don’t even know that an American and a British reporter were crushed by the tanks of the Israeli forces when they were protesting against razing the house of the Palestinian people.
This again raises the question that violence should be condemned and peace should prevail above all .We should have courage as a human being to say ,wrong as wrong and love everyone despite our differences
By the way I did not get the logic of connecting * HINDUS, ISREALI and INDIANS. Does that mean that even Indian muslims are conspiring against Pakistan but muslims are not terrorist according to her logic so that means Indians just include the Hindus so why repeating one idea with different words Hindus and Indians …….may be she wanted to create an impression .
I just don’t know how to deal with these sort of people even they would convince the electric current that is used for therapy that, Hey Current , I’m a muslim how can I a psycho .Psycho people can only be * Indians, Hindus, Israeli * Its because of this approach that Pakistan is in a reverse gear because we have a habit of blaming others instead of looking for the root cause of the problems .
Then there are people like Zaid hamid who claims to motivate the youth with his myopic view of the world,a war monger , he loves to exploit youth with his extra energy which he get by eating 1000 bananas everyday ……. The best people to deal with him is the BNN on GEO, previously the 4 news team on AJJ J
The more problems are created by apparently secular Televangelist like Amir liaquat ( this bastard wears the embellished sherwani’s and pit people against each other first shia –sunni’s and now ahmadi’s ) and the news reporter Ansar abbasi .The former went on to describe the killing of Ahmadi’s as good and there was nobody to condemn this attitude . Ansar abbasi went ahead and described the black law of blasphemy a tool of oppression against the poor and the weak as a Islamic law . This attitude by the so called moderate and educated people is one of the biggest menace and nobody stands up to condemn it .
I just saw a video clip of one fanatic mullah who was trying to motivate the sex maniac cum fanatic cum bearded bears that the HOORS in jaanat would be having a lot of sex appeal and the guys would be having a lot of sex drive and strength to do it with 20 -25 women . And he was citing that one should not fall in love with the women of the world This indicates that why most of the mullah’s fall for the little kids in their madressah’s and rape them .
These mullah minded people who’s outlook is liberal is the most dangerous kinds because their beliefs are connected to the fanatic types, they might have everything available to them ,might be leading a luxurious life but still they feel that something is missing in their life like the need to become important whom people could look upto with fear/reverence .This is just the need that makes them do this kind of acts precise I think that orthodox muslim families have a habbit of feeling no compassion towards others and thus treat non-muslims as unhuman .
I don’t know when people will start to see goodness in doing the good deeds like helping others, kindness, compassion, love rather than just religion and the religious acts .When will people learn that God want people to love and help each other and for the prayers he has made the Angels . Its how God is going to judge us that how good we are with others and much positive contribution we have made in this world.